Achieve AI-Driven Account Lockdown with Vectra CDR for AWS

August 22, 2023
Nicole Drake
Senior Product Marketer
Achieve AI-Driven Account Lockdown with Vectra CDR for AWS

The number of cyberattacks is growing overnight, especially those targeting hybrid cloud environments. In fact, attacks exploiting cloud systems nearly doubled in 2022 according to a report cited in Axios. Amazon Web Services (AWS) is one of the leading cloud providers in the world, making them one of the top cloud providers for bad actors to attack. Any organization that utilizes AWS automatically has a target on their back. Therefore, organizations need to ensure that they have the necessary security measures in place, such as those indicated by NIST and SANS to ward off attackers. The consensus is that organizations need to be in lockstep on all efforts to maintain their security 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, especially with monitoring all AWS accounts across their hybrid-cloud infrastructure.

Those familiar with Vectra NDR (Network Detection and Response) are aware of its industry-leading threat detection and response capabilities in network environments. Vectra NDR account lockdown capabilities have been extended to Vectra CDR (Cloud Detection & Response) for AWS. Vectra NDR account lockdown capabilities now span the entire hybrid cloud environment from network to the cloud, specifically for AWS. Vectra CDR for AWS puts your registered accounts on lockdown to help lock out bad actors trying to guess your users’ passwords or use brute-force methods to get into your organization. How does it work?  

Account Lockdown with Vectra CDR for AWS  

Vectra CDR for AWS is powered by Vectra Attack Signal Intelligence with AI-driven detection capabilities. It empowers SecOps teams by providing unmatched visibility into all actions taking place across the entire AWS infrastructure. With any cloud environment, specifically AWS there is a big focus on credentials. The foundation of a significant portion of cloud exploits relies on compromised credentials. Attackers can use phishing campaigns or utilize credentials accidentally committed to code repositories amongst other methodologies to reach their targeted AWS accounts. To combat this, Vectra CDR for AWS delivers:

  • Better Cloud Detection and Response: Vectra CDR for AWS detects any unknown behavior through its powerful AI-driven detection. In doing so, your SecOps team has access to the best-in-class signal efficacy to accurately pinpoint which AWS accounts have been compromised.  
  • Rich Context: Vectra CDR for AWS provides SecOps teams with the necessary insights to make informed decisions on any credential-based action that has taken place from any AWS account. Thus, enabling SecOps with better intelligence to make informed decisions from a holistic perspective on anything occurring in your AWS environment.
  • Expansive AWS Coverage: Vectra CDR for AWS provides coverage for the entire AWS infrastructure including cross-regions and cross-accounts to identify any unknown attacker methods hoping to utilize AWS accounts as a vehicle to execute an attack.  

Vectra CDR for AWS provides the means necessary to detect and respond to attacks on your AWS accounts without any additional training on identity-based attacks, especially those involving EC2 for a single VPC and Lambda instances. Furthermore, Vectra CDR for AWS puts you in control of your AWS accounts without having to default to an all or nothing account lockdown methodology. Your SecOps teams can trust the power of Vectra CDR for AWS to precisely identify which AWS account is compromised before any exploits on your organization can execute.

What’s Next?  

Experience the power of Vectra CDR for AWS firsthand, schedule a demo with us at Gartner SRM London.

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