Tackling Today's Cybersecurity Challenges with Vectra MXDR: A Holistic Approach for Hybrid Environments

February 15, 2024
Gary Ruiz
VP of WW Professional Services
Tackling Today's Cybersecurity Challenges with Vectra MXDR: A Holistic Approach for Hybrid Environments

In the era of digital transformation, businesses are rapidly embracing hybrid environments, merging traditional on-premises networks with cloud-based services. The shift towards hybrid models offers numerous advantages, such as enhanced flexibility and scalability. However, it also presents unique cybersecurity challenges that organizations must navigate. Hybrid attacks are on the rise, and the complexity of managing security in these environments is daunting. This is where Vectra Managed Extended Detection and Response (MXDR) steps in as an essential solution offering integrated signal, configuration management, and rapid response, including endpoint remediation.

The Evolving Landscape of Hybrid Environments

  1. Rise of hybrid attacks

Hybrid environments are increasingly targeted by sophisticated cyberattacks that exploit vulnerabilities across both cloud and on-premises systems. These attacks can be complex, multi-faceted and more challenging to detect and mitigate. In IBM’s 2023 Cost of a Data Breach Report, 40% of data breaches resulted in data loss across hybrid environments, including private cloud, public cloud, and on-premises environments. The takeaway being that traditional security operation methodologies that rely primarily on an endpoint-centric or network-centric approach aren’t effective against hybrid attacks — where a more balanced approach covering multiple areas is needed.

  1. The need for modernization and integration

As organizations modernize their IT infrastructure, the integration of security systems becomes crucial. Siloed security tools can create "noise" — a flood of alerts and notifications that overwhelm IT teams. Effective integration reduces this noise, allowing for clearer insights and more effective threat detection. According to Vectra’s 2023 Vectra State of Threat Detection Report, 67% of SOC teams receive an average of 4,484 alerts a day, and over two-thirds of them are ignored.

  1. Staffing and skill challenges

The cybersecurity field is grappling with a talent and burnout shortage. Recruiting and retaining skilled security professionals are significant challenges for many organizations. This issue is compounded by the need for expertise specific to managing security in hybrid environments. According to the 2022 Devo SOC Performance Report, the average time to fill a SOC analyst position is seven months with 15% of SOC leaders saying it can take up to two years to fill a role.

  1. Overload of security tasks

IT teams are often inundated with an array of security responsibilities, from monitoring alerts to managing updates and protocols across various platforms. This can lead to alert fatigue and the risk of missing critical threats.

Vectra MXDR: A Strategic Solution

Vectra MXDR offers a comprehensive approach to address these challenges, providing a unified solution for hybrid environments.

  1. Integrated signals for clarity and efficiency

Vectra MXDR integrates various security signals into a coherent framework, reducing the noise of disparate alerts. These integrations enable more accurate threat detection and a streamlined approach to managing security alerts. With EDR integrations with CrowdStrike, Microsoft Defender and Sentinel One, Vectra MXDR is fully integrated and informs a range of attack surfaces.

  1. Adaptability to evolving threats

Vectra MXDR services provide multiple defensive readiness models that are designed to adapt to the rapidly changing threat landscape. By continuously updating its threat intelligence and methodologies, Vectra MXDR ensures that defenses remain robust against both current and emerging threats.

  1. Expert monitoring and response

Vectra MXDR is staffed by seasoned cybersecurity professionals who bring specialized knowledge and experience to the table. This expertise is crucial in managing the complexities of hybrid environments and in effectively responding to hybrid attacks.

  1. Configuration management

Securing and defending against attacks is critical and core to Vectra MXDR services. Configuration management and templates are used for the native Vectra AI technologies and extend into policy and health management of other vendor integrations such as CrowdStrike, Microsoft Defender, and Sentinel One.

  1. Endpoint remediation

Vectra MXDR goes beyond detection, offering active response capabilities, including full remote endpoint remediation. This means that when a threat is detected, Vectra MXDR can take immediate steps to contain and remediate it, minimizing potential damage.

  1. Cost-effective and resource-efficient

For many organizations, from small to medium-sized businesses or to large enterprises, Vectra MXDR offers a cost-effective and adaptable alternative to managing multiple security tools and hiring additional staff. It provides a comprehensive security solution without the need for extensive in-house resources.

Tackle Today’s Cybersecurity Challenges with Vectra MXDR

As organizations continue to adopt hybrid environments, the challenges of securing networks and endpoints become more complex. Vectra MXDR presents itself as an invaluable tool in this landscape, offering Vectra’s integrated Attack Signal Intelligence, adaptability, and a comprehensive response approach, including endpoint remediation. By leveraging Vectra MXDR, businesses can effectively manage the cybersecurity risks associated with hybrid environments, ensuring robust protection while freeing up resources to focus on core business functions. In the face of modern cyber threats, Vectra MXDR is not just a solution; it's a strategic necessity.

Learn more about Vectra MXDR.