Azure AD Admin Account Creation

Azure AD Admin Account Creation

Detection overview


  • An account has been created with administrative privileges (TenantAdmins, PrivilegedRoleAdmins, ApplicationAdministrators) that provide broad access to the environment.

Possible Root Causes

  • An attacker that has gained administrative rights has added additional administrative accounts to the environment as a back-up access method if their existing access is disabled or otherwise removed at a future date.
  • Existing legitimate administrators may add additional administrative users unintentionally or via social engineering.
  • A new, legitimate, administrative account was added.

Business Impact

  • Unauthorized administrative users have complete control within the environment, creating significant on-going risk to a broad range of resources.
  • Attackers with access to the identified administrative rights will be able to operate unfettered within the environment.
  • Attackers using multiple administrative accounts improve their resilience to an incident response and are able to silo operations to prevent the detection of a single compromised admin account from affecting access and actions undertaken from other compromised admin accounts.

Steps to Verify

  • Validate the administrative account was created according to organizational change control policies and that the access granted is appropriate and necessary
Azure AD Admin Account Creation

Possible root causes

Malicious Detection

Benign Detection

Azure AD Admin Account Creation

Example scenarios

Azure AD Admin Account Creation

Business impact

If this detection indicates a genuine threat, the organization faces significant risks:

Azure AD Admin Account Creation

Steps to investigate

Azure AD Admin Account Creation

MITRE ATT&CK techniques covered

Azure AD Admin Account Creation

Related detections

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