Detection overview


  • A host is making multiple RDP connection attempts with most of the connections failing to complete
  • The connection attempts can target one or more RDP servers
  • Even when a single RDP server is targeted, multiple accounts may still be involved in the encrypted part of the RDP connection setup

Possible Root Causes

  • An attacker is trying to determine the existence of accounts in order to progress to the next step in the attack
  • The attacker is working through a list of accounts with well-known default passwords in an attempt to find a working account/password combination
  • This host is a jump server and several users are unsuccessfully attempting to RDP to other servers from it

Business Impact

  • A scan via RDP is an effective way for an attacker to determine what accounts are available inside an organization’s network and which RDP servers accept logins via the accounts
  • If one of the targets has not been normally accessed via RDP, the nature of the target server will provide additional guidance regarding the potential business impact
  • Reconnaissance within a network is a precursor to active attacks which ultimately exposes an organization to substantial risk of data acquisition and exfiltration
  • This form of reconnaissance is often a lot less noticeable than a port sweep or a port scan so attackers feel they can use it with relatively little risk of detection

Steps to Verify

  • Inquire whether the target of the RDP connection attempts should even be setup to accept RDP connections
  • Inquire whether this host should be initiating the number of RDP connections to the targets listed in the detection
  • If this host is a jump server, retrieve the logs of the jump server to see what upstream connections are the originators of the large number of failed RDP connections
RDP Recon

Possible root causes

Malicious Detection

Benign Detection

RDP Recon

Example scenarios

RDP Recon

Business impact

If this detection indicates a genuine threat, the organization faces significant risks:

RDP Recon

Steps to investigate

RDP Recon

MITRE ATT&CK techniques covered

RDP Recon

Related detections

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