1:1 Identity Exposure Gap Analysis

Uncover Gaps in Your Microsoft Identity Security

Sign up for an identity exposure gap analysis to find holes in your defense and potential entry points for attackers.

Here's what to expect in our gap analysis:
  • An interactive, guided attack simulation with no impact to your production environment
  • Encounter the latest attacker techniques in accordance with MITRE ATT&CK for Microsoft 365 and Microsoft Entra ID (formerly known as Azure AD) environment
  • Gain visibility into vulnerable areas of your identity security defense and receive customized recommendations based on your needs

Ditch the old-school paper exercises. See how attacks progress in your environment and learn how to defend against them!

Know Your Gaps


Why should you attend?

Microsoft Entra ID (Azure AD) and M365 are high value targets for attackers, and identity compromise remains a key factor in cloud attacks. But traditional security testing is expensive, resource-heavy and time-consuming. By requesting a Microsoft Entra ID and M365 Security exposure assessment, you’ll learn how to get the same results using our free, open-source tool.

What testing tool will be used?

We’ll use Vectra AI’s Microsoft 365 and Microsoft Entra ID (Azure AD) – Attack Framework (MAAD – AF). It’s a free, open-source cloud attack tool for M365 and Entra ID environments, designed to make security testing simple, fast and effective. Learn more about the MAAD – AF tool here.

Who should attend?

This hands-on experience is for any security team responsible for a M365 or Microsoft Entra ID (Azure AD) environment.

  • CISOs
  • SOC Leaders
  • SOC Analyst
  • Security Architects
  • Blue Teams
  • Offensive Security Team (Red Teamers/ Pen Testers)
What are the requirements to attend?

To participate , you’ll need:

  • Window 10/ Window 11 Operating System
  • PowerShell Version 5
  • Permission to run unsigned PowerShell script
  • Local Admin Permissions to use PowerShell as Admin
  • Internet connectivity and ability to access the Azure AD tenant from host
  • If EDR is present, then ideally ability to disable EDR or whitelist MAAD-AF in EDR

Over 1,500 organizations that trust Vectra to detect and stop threats from becoming attacks