Research Report

Security Leaders Research Report: Fit for Purpose or Behind the Curve?

The genie is out of the bottle. Experts believe that the COVID-19 pandemic pushed many companies over a ‘technology tippingpoint’ which accelerated digitisation by several years.

Key highlights of this paper:

  • 83% think traditional approaches don’t protect against modern threats and that we need to change the game when it comes to dealing with attackers
  • 79% of security decision makers have bought tools that failed to live up to their  promise—citing poor integration, failure to detect modern attacks, and lack of visibility as reasons.
  • 72% think they may have been breached and don’t know about it—a third (43%) think this is “likely”
  • 87% of respondents say recent high-profile attacks have meant the board is starting to take proper notice of cybersecurity
Security Leaders Research Report: Fit for Purpose or Behind the Curve?
Security Leaders Research Report: Fit for Purpose or Behind the Curve?
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