
A ransomware is a type of malicious software (malware) that encrypts a victim's files or locks their system, rendering them inaccessible until a ransom is paid to the attacker. Ransomware attacks typically involve the encryption of critical data, which can only be decrypted upon payment. It is a profitable form of cyber extortion used by threat actors to target individuals, businesses, or organizations. Ransomware attacks can cause significant disruption, financial loss, and reputational damage if not effectively mitigated and addressed.
  • In 2021, ransomware attacks increased by over 150% compared to the previous year, emphasizing the growing threat. (Source: Group-IB)
  • The average ransom payment in 2021 was approximately $170,000, highlighting the financial impact of ransomware attacks on organizations. (Source: Coveware)

Ransomware is changing, your detection and response approach should too

Can you detect and respond to ransomware before it impacts you?

Are your RDP services unknowingly being misused?

Are you being targeted and prepared to be attacked?

Don’t wait for a ransom note – use AI-driven detection and response to see and stop ransomware before encryption occurs.


What is ransomware?

What are the best practices for ransomware prevention?

What steps should be taken if an organization falls victim to ransomware?

How can data backups help in recovering from a ransomware attack?

How are ransomware attacks evolving?

How does ransomware infect systems?

How can organizations prepare for a ransomware attack?

Should organizations pay the ransom?

Can ransomware infect mobile devices or cloud services?

What role does cybersecurity insurance play in ransomware defense?