Trojan Horse

The Trojan horse represents one of the most deceptive threats faced by organizations. Disguised as legitimate software, Trojans covertly perform malicious activities, from data theft to system compromise.
  • According to a report by Cybersecurity Ventures, malware, including Trojans, is expected to cost the global economy over $6 trillion annually by 2021, highlighting the scale and impact of these threats.
  • Research from the Ponemon Institute reveals that over 60% of organizations have experienced a Trojan-related security breach, underscoring the prevalence and risk of Trojans in the current threat landscape.

Vectra AI offers advanced detection and response capabilities, enabling organizations to proactively identify and neutralize Trojans before they can inflict harm. Contact us today to fortify your defense against Trojan horse threats and safeguard your critical assets.


What Is a Trojan Horse in Cybersecurity?

What Are Common Types of Trojan Horse Attacks?

What Steps Can Be Taken to Mitigate the Impact of Trojans?

What Role Does Employee Awareness Play in Preventing Trojan Infections?

How Should Organizations Respond to a Trojan Horse Detection?

Unlike viruses and worms, Trojans do not replicate themselves but rely on social engineering to trick users into executing them. Their stealthy nature allows them to evade detection and deliver their payload without the host's knowledge.

How Can Organizations Detect Trojan Horse Activities?

How Does Vectra AI Enhance Protection Against Trojans?

Can Firewalls and Antivirus Software Alone Stop Trojans?

What Are Best Practices for Trojan Horse Prevention?