Network Detection & Response solution

Find attackers hiding in your hybrid network

With Vectra AI's NDR solution, put the power of Attack Signal Intelligence™ at your analysts’ fingertips to see and stop unknown attacks in minutes.

Detect when your network is compromised

With 11 references in the MITRE D3FEND framework — more than any other vendor — only Vectra AI provides a Network Detection and Response (NDR) solution powerful enough to give you an unfair advantage over attackers.

Most-referenced in MITRE D3FEND
AI threat detection patents
MITRE ATT&CK coverage
NDR Differentiators

Only Vectra AI NDR:

Automatically score, rank and reveal the most critical threats in your hybrid network with the industry’s only Attack Signal Intelligence.
  • Focus on critical events — not false positives.
  • When an activity is marked urgent, you know it's worth investigating.
Explore our AI
Track activity across the cyber kill chain to expose the complete attack narrative for over 90% of MITRE ATT&CK techniques.
  • Reveal in-progress attacks in real time.
  • Quickly drill down the data to investigate fast.
Explore our AI
Extend your team with skilled analyst reinforcements committed to co-defending your infrastructure.
Explore Vectra MDR
Reveals the earliest signs of attack activity
Automatically score, rank and reveal the most critical threats in your hybrid network with the industry’s only Attack Signal Intelligence.
  • Focus on critical events — not false positives.
  • When an activity is marked urgent, you know it's worth investigating.
Explore our AI
Exposes the complete attack narrative
Track activity across the cyber kill chain to expose the complete attack narrative for over 90% of MITRE ATT&CK techniques.
  • Reveal in-progress attacks in real time.
  • Quickly drill down the data to investigate fast.
Explore our AI
Shares responsibility for 24x7x365 coverage
Extend your team with skilled analyst reinforcements committed to co-defending your infrastructure.
Explore our AI
NDR Capabilities

With Vectra NDR, detect and disarm attacks in minutes - no matter where they occur

Network Visibility

Analyze and store all network activity without present rules or pattern detection.

No Decryption

Find attackers without forcing decryption with the power of neural networks and deep learning.

Account Privilege

Focus on accounts most useful to attackers with patented analytics.

AI-driven Detection

Consolidated attack telemetry that proactively identifies 3x more threats across the entire hybrid surface.

AI-driven Triage

Reduce alert noise by 80% or more with ML that understands your environment.

Targeted Response

Leverage existing security tools and playbooks with manual or automatic controls.

Enriched Metadata

Enhance custom models in your SIEM or data lake with enriched cloud and network metadata.

Conclusive Investigations

Empower your analysts and threat hunters with metadata search capabilities.

Integrated  signatures

Consolidate Suricata signature-based and Vectra AI behavior-based  detections in a single sensor.


Native NDR integrations for end-to-end protection

With native integrations for dozens of best-in-class security tools, the Vectra NDR solution helps you make the most of every cybersecurity investment.

Featured Analyst Report

Is NDR worth it? Gartner offers recommendations.

How big of a role does network detection and response really play in the war against sophisticated attacks? See how Network Detection and Response solutions can expand deeper into existing on-premises networks and new cloud environments.

Customer Stories

See why 4 out of 5 enterprises choose Vectra NDR over competitors

Find threats other solutions miss
“Vectra has helped our organization find the threats that all of our security vendor products combined could not.”
IT Security Officer
Software Company
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Find threats other solutions miss
“Our engineers started using Vectra within 12 hours of it being turned on. No one else…could remotely approach the speed of deployment.”
Martin Fisher
CISO, Northside Hospital
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Find threats other solutions miss
“Vectra offers protection without prying. Instead of looking at the payload or contents of traffic, it only captures the security-centric metadata to identify threats.”
Daniel Luttermann
Security Team Lead, Rossmann
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Find threats other solutions miss
“If we detect anything unusual or suspect, we’re able to respond that same day, which is a lot faster than we were doing it before.”
Kevin Orritt
ICT Security Manager,
GMMH NHS Foundation Trust
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Find threats other solutions miss
“It is one of those rare products that works the way it’s supposed to. The technology and science behind Vectra complement each other in one incredible solution that ensures your investment is well spent.”
Senior Security Officer
Major university healthcare system
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Find threats other solutions miss
“With Vectra, I can focus on the highest-risk threats. With other solutions, I have to filter to get rid of hundreds or thousands of false positives.”
Matthias Tauber
Senior Services Manager for IT Security, DZ Bank
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