Attack surface

The concept of an "attack surface" refers to the sum of all possible points where an unauthorized user can try to enter data to or extract data from an environment. In today's interconnected digital world, where organizations increasingly rely on complex IT infrastructures, cloud services, and mobile computing, the attack surface has expanded dramatically. This growth presents a significant challenge for security teams aiming to protect sensitive data and maintain system integrity.
  • The average cost of a data breach for organizations with over 50% of their data in the cloud was $4.8 million, underscoring the importance of securing expanded attack surfaces. (Source: IBM Cost of a Data Breach Report 2020)
  • Organizations that effectively reduce their attack surface can lower the risk of a cyber attack by up to 80%. (Source: Gartner)

In an era of escalating cyber threats, proactively minimizing your attack surface is essential for safeguarding your organization's digital assets. Vectra AI provides advanced solutions and expert guidance to help you identify, manage, and reduce your attack surface effectively. Contact us to learn how our innovative approaches can enhance your security posture and protect against sophisticated cyber threats.


What constitutes an organization's attack surface?

What are the key steps to minimize the attack surface?

What role does endpoint security play in managing the attack surface?

What technologies can help reduce the attack surface?

Can zero trust architecture help in minimizing the attack surface?

Why is reducing the attack surface important?

How does cloud computing affect the attack surface?

How can organizations handle the human element of the attack surface?

How should organizations approach third-party risk management?

How often should organizations reassess their attack surface?