AI Helps Detect Evasive Cyberattackers

November 29, 2022
Willem Hendrickx
Chief Revenue Officer
AI Helps Detect Evasive Cyberattackers

Cybercrime has been rampant across the IT landscape for many years. Cyberattacks used to be relatively easy to detect, given some awareness and solid ICT knowledge. But modern threats are increasingly evasive and difficult to detect. Fortunately, there is a solution for this in the form of AI-driven threat detection and response.

The Constant Battle Against Cyberattacks

In recent years, it has become a sheer necessity for companies to protect themselves from external cyberthreats, which can sometimes have disastrous consequences on their business continuity and reputation. Cyberattacks have become more frequent and urgent, especially with the growing complexity in the IT world, making the search for useful long-term solutions laborious.

AI-driven Solutions as Valuable Partner

AI has proved to be an extremely valuable partner in detecting and stopping these modern cyberattacks. "For the past 10 years, cybersecurity defense has focused mainly on what was known," sums up Willem Hendrickx, Chief Revenue Officer (CRO) at Vectra AI. This US-based company is a market leader in AI-driven threat detection and response. "Threat detection and response methods for people, processes, and technology used to rely heavily on signatures, anomalies, and rules to spot and stop cybercriminals. But the problem is that this approach no longer works today."

The difficulty in defending against modern cyberattacks lies in the fact that network environments are becoming increasingly complex, thus creating more and more varied attack surfaces. "Many enterprises have moved to hybrid and multicloud environments, while also setting up digital identities, supply chains, and ecosystems. This creates not only more risk but also an increased need for security and more changing regulations," Hendrickx says.

According to the CRO, sound cybersecurity boils down to arming defenders with three things: coverage, clarity, and control. "More complex IT environments create exponentially more attack surfaces, which you need to protect, or provide coverage, as a company. Working in the cloud means more vulnerabilities and exploits; it attracts more evasive and vicious attacks, which also happen faster; and, ultimately, it means maintaining more accounts that can be compromised."

That means you need more effective threat detection and response in the cloud, in terms of SaaS, identities, and networks. "That is the way to enable your security team to detect, investigate, respond, and stop cyberattacks before they become effective breaches."

Erase Unknown Threats With Vectra’s Attack Signal Intelligence

Hendrickx sees the solution in the AI-driven solution of Vectra AI, which aims to eliminate unknown threats. "Unknown threats are currently the biggest risk to organizations, leading to overly complex security, undue noise, and even analyst burnout." Vectra AI has been researching and analyzing the behavior of cyberattackers for a decade now. Based on this experience, the company created a platform rooted in Attack Signal Intelligence, to automatically detect, triage, and prioritize attacks carried out by modern, evasive, and advanced attackers. It enables defenders to think like cyberattackers, to learn their tactics, techniques, and procedures – or TTPs. Moreover, it figures out what is effectively malicious and relevant, reduces noise, and prevents burnout among analysts, who are otherwise overwhelmed by irrelevant alerts. "It is important to focus on urgent and essential threats, to reduce business risk. Our platform continuously monitors attackers' TTPs and uses defined models in real-time to detect them, and automatically triage and surface the threats that have the most impact on the business."

When Hendrickx talks about control, the last pillar of defense in cybersecurity, he is referring to the ability of analysts to do what they do best – hunt, investigate, and respond at speed and scale – with the flexibility to implement controls manually or automated through integration. "Then you don't have to jump from tool to tool to investigate, validate, or hunt for threats. You establish the automation of manual tasks while reducing the cost and complexity of IT tools."

Unfortunately, cybercrime does not seem to be going away any time soon. But it is certainly possible for businesses to not only protect themselves during an attack but also detect such attacks quickly and stop them from becoming breaches, thus reducing financial and reputational risk to the business.

The following statements work as grap handle, while managing modern cybersecurity:

  • "Unknown threats pose the biggest risk to organizations, leading to overly complex security, noise, and even analyst burnout."
  • "It is important to focus on which threats are urgent and critical to reducing business risk."
  • "Threat detection and response methods used to rely heavily on signatures, anomalies, and rules to spot and stop cybercriminals. But the problem is that this approach no longer works today."

Today's cyberthreats can often easily bypass traditional security tools. As an industry leader in AI-driven threat detection and response, Vectra helps organizations to quickly detect, prioritize, investigate, and respond to cyberthreats. Vectra stands by its customers over the entire threat landscape – regardless of industry or diversity of business environment.


Why are modern cyberattacks more difficult to detect compared to past threats?

Modern cyberattacks are more difficult to detect due to the increasing complexity of network environments and the sophisticated methods attackers use to evade traditional detection techniques. Attack surfaces have expanded with the adoption of hybrid and multicloud environments, digital identities, and interconnected supply chains, making it challenging to identify malicious activities using outdated methods that rely on signatures, anomalies, and rules.

What are the key components of an effective cybersecurity strategy according to Vectra AI?

According to Vectra AI, an effective cybersecurity strategy involves three key components: coverage, clarity, and control. Coverage ensures all potential attack surfaces are protected, clarity involves the ability to quickly identify and prioritize real threats, and control empowers analysts to efficiently investigate and respond to threats, whether manually or through automation.

What is Vectra AI’s Attack Signal Intelligence, and how does it help in threat detection?

Vectra AI’s Attack Signal Intelligence is a platform designed to detect, triage, and prioritize modern cyberattacks automatically. It leverages AI to analyze the behavior of attackers, understand their tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTPs), and distinguish between malicious activities and false positives. This reduces the noise and complexity of security alerts, allowing analysts to focus on genuine threats and prevent burnout.

What role does automation play in modern threat detection and response platforms?

Automation plays a critical role in modern threat detection and response platforms by streamlining the detection, investigation, and response processes. It helps in reducing the manual effort required to handle security incidents, lowers the cost and complexity of IT tools, and ensures consistent and timely responses to threats. Automation also allows for the integration of various security controls, enhancing the overall efficiency and effectiveness of cybersecurity operations.

What challenges do cybersecurity analysts face with traditional threat detection methods?

Cybersecurity analysts face several challenges with traditional threat detection methods, including the inability to keep up with the scale and sophistication of modern attacks, high volumes of false positives, and the complexity of managing multiple security tools. These challenges can lead to analyst burnout, missed critical threats, and an overall inefficient response to cyber incidents.

How has the shift to hybrid and multicloud environments impacted cybersecurity?

The shift to hybrid and multicloud environments has significantly increased the attack surface, creating more vulnerabilities and potential exploits. These environments attract more advanced and evasive attacks, necessitating more robust and comprehensive security measures to protect against a wider range of threats and to comply with evolving regulations.

Why is AI-driven threat detection and response crucial for modern cybersecurity?

AI-driven threat detection and response is crucial because it can handle the scale and complexity of modern IT environments. AI can automatically detect, triage, and prioritize advanced and evasive threats in real-time, reducing the burden on analysts and allowing for faster and more accurate responses to cyberattacks. This approach helps in mitigating the risk of breaches and reduces the noise and complexity of traditional security systems.

How does AI-driven threat detection improve the efficiency of cybersecurity analysts?

AI-driven threat detection improves the efficiency of cybersecurity analysts by automating routine tasks such as threat detection, triage, and prioritization. This reduces the volume of false positives and irrelevant alerts, allowing analysts to concentrate on the most critical threats. It also enables faster investigation and response, reducing the time to mitigate potential breaches and minimizing business risk.

How does focusing on urgent and critical threats reduce business risk?

Focusing on urgent and critical threats reduces business risk by ensuring that resources are directed towards mitigating the most significant risks to the organization. This prioritization helps in quickly addressing and neutralizing threats that could have the most severe impact on business continuity and reputation, thereby minimizing potential damage and ensuring a more resilient security posture.

Why is continuous monitoring of attackers’ tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTPs) important?

Continuous monitoring of attackers’ TTPs is important because it allows security teams to stay ahead of evolving threats by understanding how attackers operate. This knowledge enables the development of more effective detection and response strategies, ensuring that defenses are always aligned with the latest threat landscape. It also helps in identifying patterns and indicators of compromise that might otherwise go unnoticed, enhancing the overall security posture of the organization.