New Think Tank Report Shapes EU Thinking on AI and Cybersecurity

July 4, 2021
Willem Hendrickx
Chief Revenue Officer
New Think Tank Report Shapes EU Thinking on AI and Cybersecurity

The European Union (EU) has been a leading force in privacy and cybersecurity initiatives. Legislation such as the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is a significant catalyst and influence in countries beyond the EU’s border. The use of artificial intelligence (AI) in cybersecurity and the security of AI systems will continue to have a growing influence on the security and privacy of organisations, and of citizens at large.

To aid EU policy makers' planning and decisions CEPS, the leading EU think tank, has brought together leading academic, policy and technology vendor stakeholders to research the benefits and challenges of adopting AI in the realm of cybersecurity. Their new report, Artificial Intelligence and Cybersecurity Technology, Governance and Policy Challenges, makes recommendations to policy makers. Vectra is a key contributor to this report.

Our vision at Vectra is to make the world a safer and fairer place, and to use AI as a way to transform both security capabilities and work practices. It is good to have the discussion on what changes could be implemented to continue to protect and offer opportunities for EU citizens regarding AI in cybersecurity. It’s for this reason that Vectra contributed our experience in creating and using AI for cyber-threat detection and response to the CEPS task force’s work, bringing technology, market, and security practice dimension to the discussion and sections of the report.

“This report identifies technical, ethical, market and governance challenges posed by the intersection of AI and Cybersecurity and proposes concrete policy recommendations. We’re grateful to Vectra for contributing their industry perspective and expertise to the task force,” said Lorenzo Pupillo, Associate Senior Research Fellow and Head of Cybersecurity at CEPS.

There are still common misconceptions around AI's use in cybersecurity in that AI is replacing jobs. AI is reducing the barriers to entry so that more people can enter the cybersecurity profession and accelerate their productivity. Addressing the skills shortage and uneven distribution of talent is an important dimension addressed in the report, including how AI is transforming  cybersecurity professional practice and architecture.

Our work with CEPS supports our desire of enabling AI to be a positive force for cybersecurity professionals, and society at large. I believe this will significantly influence EU legislation and regulatory thinking. To learn more about these findings read the full report.