Vectra AI Announces Vectra Match for Signature-Based Detections

March 22, 2023
Nicole Drake
Senior Product Marketer
Vectra AI Announces Vectra Match for Signature-Based Detections

Vectra Match ingests intrusion detection signature context for more efficient and effective threat investigations and hunting. Gain complete clarity on known and unknown threats across your network by combining Vectra Match signature context and the power of Vectra NDR with Security AI-driven Attack Signal Intelligence™. SecOps teams can uncover sophisticated threats across their network including those that may bypass through your legacy Intrusion Detection System (IDS) or Intrusion Prevention System (IPS). Vectra Match delivers the insights necessary to identify and analyze exploits that get through your network perimeter.

Those familiar with Vectra NDR (network detection and response), are privy to its industry-leading threat detection and response capabilities against attackers in network environments. By coupling Vectra Match with Vectra NDR, your threat hunting teams are armed with the context of exploits as well as attacker behaviors to highlight the most malicious threats on your organization. It empowers SecOps teams by providing signature-based context to help reduce your overall security solution footprint. But, why did we decide to bring Suricata into our threat detection and response platform?

Enhanced Signal Clarity

Vectra Match runs on Suricata which enables your SecOps team to process multiple events at the same time without having to interrupt other requests. In order to have better signal clarity, your team needs a network detection and response solution with Suricata that will:

  • Reduce noise: With Vectra Match and Vectra NDR, you will dramatically cut down on the number of false positives by accurately detecting and analyzing all inbound and outbound traffic, ultimately detecting malicious traffic attempting to enter the network.
  • Validate threat signals: In order to find the needle in the haystack, you need to be able to have the full haystack. Vectra Match with Vectra NDR unifies visibility and context for known and unknown threats into your existing SIEM.
  • Better threat detection and response: Identify network-based indicators of compromise (IOCs) such as domains and IPs, as well as malicious attacker behavior to align your SecOps team and narrow down the most critical and urgent threats on your network environment.

Relieve the pressure of compliance regulations

In addition to detecting and responding to advanced threats for both known and unknown attacks, enterprises must adhere to both internal and/or external compliance standards set by your respective government, industry sector or even business partners. Utilizing a security solution that has artificial intelligence (AI) alone cannot provide explicit detection for CVEs — but Vectra Match changes that with:

  • Expansive attack coverage: Going back to the needle and haystack, the haystack is getting bigger and bigger. Vectra match meets all the common rules, so you don’t have to worry about managing your rule-based dataset.
  • Alignment on compliance standards: Vectra Match contributes to your security compliance needs by analyzing risks through providing the necessary framework to protect sensitive data and help mitigate data breach threats.
  • Simplify compliance requirements: Vectra Match utilizes the trusted Suricata engine so your team doesn’t have to worry about being compliant or not — enabling them to focus their efforts on rapid threat hunting and investigation.

These benefits help alleviate the pressures from the actions and solutions needed to meet regulatory protocols in the network, helping keep your SecOps team laser-focused on threat detection and response rather than worrying about meeting compliance standards.

The solution – Vectra Match

Vectra Match delivers expanded capabilities to Vectra NDR by ingesting intrusion detection signature context for more efficient and effective threat investigations and hunting. Customers can utilize Vectra Match alongside their Vectra NDR deployment which harnesses Vectra’s Security AI-driven Attack Signal Intelligence — empowering an automated risk-based approach to cyberattacks that delivers:

  • Better Threat Detection and Response: By utilizing the Suricata engine, Vectra Match can detect all known signature attacks, exploits and malware. This means it can see and alert on malicious traffic from your DNS resolver, firewall or proxy — and couple it with Vectra NDR’s leading AI-driven detections — all in one single consolidated solution.
  • Rich Context: Coupling Vectra Match with Vectra NDR provides your SecOps team with the necessary access to signature-based context, security-led AI and metadata for accurate attack identification insights to align your threat hunting team accordingly.
  • Tool Consolidation: Vectra NDR and Vectra Match AI-driven security solution with Suricata allows your SecOps teams to identify more known and unknown attacker methods in your network within one single sensor. Vectra enables your threat-hunting teams to take the action needed in a timely fashion rather than dedicating critical time to analyzing and managing separate security solutions.

What’s Next?

Experience the power of Vectra NDR powered by Attack Signal Intelligence firsthand, schedule a demo today.