2019 Black Hat Survey: Network Transformation Insights

August 19, 2019
Marcus Hartwig
Director, Product Marketing
2019 Black Hat Survey: Network Transformation Insights

We had a great time at Black Hat in Las Vegas this year. With an attendance of over 20,000 of the world’s most security-savvy professionals across the information security spectrum, we were right at home.

Insights from the 2019 Black Hat Survey

For the second year in a row, we conducted the Vectra superhero survey at Black Hat. The survey is a quick six-question poll that helps us understand the current cloud adoption and top-of-mind concerns of attendees.

Just like last year, the people surveyed were a mix of chief information security offices (CISO), security researchers, security architects, security operations center (SOC) personnel, and network operations center staff.

Key Takeaways on Network Transformation

Not surprisingly, the biggest takeaway this year was the ongoing transformation of the network as more and more organizations embrace hybrid-cloud deployments. This is happening in the form of lift-and-place deployments as well as cloud native apps. This in turn bring a new set of challenges for SOC team, as they look at ways of maintaining visibility and control over the network in the cloud.

AI Adoption and Superhero Preferences at Black Hat

But first things first. This year, Iron Man was dethroned from the title as the most popular Avenger with our attendees. In Tony Stark’s place is now Captain America. Iron Man shared second place with Deadpool. However, supernatural intelligence still remains the number-one superpower that would be most useful to security professionals.

This is echoed in the trend of AI adoption within organizations, and especially so in SOCs. A good AI network detection and response (NDR) tool can automate tedious incident response tasks to augment SOC manpower. Teams that use AI to augment the work of security analysts achieve greater levels of efficiency than those who do not.

Mainstream Cloud Adoption Trends

Of everyone surveyed, 56% now have more than 40% of their workloads in the cloud. Only 5% reported that they currently have no cloud implementation. But when it comes to visibility into cloud deployments, 46% reported lower or no visibility in comparison to their on-premises networks.

The Role of NDR in Cloud Transformation

With the increased threat surface that a hybrid environment brings, and the new skillset required for developers and it-admins to securely configure cloud solutions, it’s no wonder that SOC and CISOs are wishing for more and better visibility into their cloud networks. In fact, 57% of those surveyed said gaining visibility into their cloud footprint and detecting the early signs of an attack are the most important priorities.

Many organizations now rely on NDR solutions to help them gain this visibility by detecting threats in their networks in the cloud and on the ground—without being overburdened by noisy alerts.

The Cognito network detection and response platform from Vectra excels at collating numerous alerts to create a single incident or campaign that provides a forensic a chain of related events. This lets you to harness the collective power of data, artificial intelligence and automation to eliminate breaches.

If you'd like to learn more be sure to reach out to us.


What are the key trends in network transformation?

Key trends include increased cloud adoption, hybrid environments, and the integration of AI for enhanced security.

What were the main findings of the 2019 Black Hat Survey?

The survey highlighted trends in cloud adoption, AI integration, and the need for better visibility in hybrid environments.

How does NDR support cloud transformation?

NDR provides visibility and threat detection in hybrid environments, essential for secure cloud transformation.

How can organizations improve visibility in cloud environments?

Organizations can improve visibility by using NDR tools and implementing continuous monitoring strategies.

What role does AI play in network transformation?

AI automates and enhances security processes, making network transformation more efficient and effective.

How has AI adoption influenced network security?

AI adoption has automated incident response tasks, increasing efficiency and effectiveness in network security.

Why is cloud adoption considered mainstream?

Cloud adoption is considered mainstream as the majority of organizations have significant workloads in the cloud.

What challenges do organizations face with hybrid environments?

Challenges include maintaining visibility, ensuring security, and managing the increased threat surface.

What are the benefits of using NDR for security?

NDR enhances security by providing real-time threat detection, reducing false positives, and improving incident response.

How can Vectra AI help with network transformation?

Vectra AI provides advanced NDR solutions that enhance visibility and security in hybrid and cloud environments.