What Do Customers Want from XDR? Spoiler alert – it's not tech

November 20, 2023
Hitesh Sheth
President and CEO
What Do Customers Want from XDR? Spoiler alert – it's not tech

What does extended detection and response (XDR) mean?

Who better to ask than our customers? Our customers are the experts of their own environments, they’re in the battle every day – chasing alerts, evaluating threats, managing risk. This is why long before we ever thought about building and launching the Vectra AI Platform, we talked to our customers.  

Through countless conversations, we began to understand what CISOs, SOC leaders, security architects and analysts want — not from security technology, but what they want from a security partner. They want to solve problems and deliver positive outcomes for the business. From nearly every customer conversation, we kept hearing the same three things:  

  • They want awareness of what is happening across their hybrid environment.  
  • They want to focus their time and energy on the most important things.  
  • They want to develop and grow their competence and help the team do the same.  

Not a single customer said, “we want an XDR.”  

Delivering on customers’ desired outcomes starts with vendors and customers having an open and honest conversation about the problem they need to solve and how best to approach the problem together. There has been a lot of noise in the market around what XDR means. As we talked to our customers, it became clear that independent of what vendors or industry analysts think, the reality for the enterprise is the following:

  • Their environment is hybrid and will be forever.
  • They have one giant hybrid attack surface made up of identities, public clouds, SaaS applications, networks, endpoints and email.
  • They need to mitigate risk across the entire hybrid attack surface at speed and scale.

Every single customer said, we want integrated signal...and it better be accurate and fast.”

So, at Vectra AI, we leveraged our pioneering work in AI to deliver the Vectra AI Platform – a customer-centric view of XDR. A view of XDR rooted in what customers want, and what they want is an integrated, real-time, accurate signal across the entire hybrid attack surface so their SOC teams can investigate and respond at speed and scale.

In the end, it does not matter where your XDR strategy starts – the endpoint (EDR), the network (NDR), the identity (ITDR), or the cloud (CDR). If you truly listen to customers, it’s never really been about tech. It’s always been about signal, so that’s where we choose to focus.  

Is your XDR strategy hybrid attack ready? Discover what it takes to deliver on the purpose and promise of XDR. For more information on the Vectra AI Platform and our game changing Attack Signal Intelligence, check out the following resources:

Vectra AI Platform overview

Vectra Attack Signal Intelligence

Vectra AI Platform demonstration

Vectra AI Platform analyst experience