Security Hacker

The term "security hacker" encompasses a broad range of individuals who engage in the exploration of computer systems and networks, with motivations that vary from malicious breaches to ethical hacking for security enhancement.
  • Cybercrime is projected to cost the world $6 trillion annually by 2021, highlighting the financial impact of hacking. (Source: Cybersecurity Ventures)
  • The demand for ethical hackers is rising, with the global cybersecurity workforce shortage estimated to reach 3.5 million by 2021. (Source: Cybersecurity Ventures)

Security hackers may be motivated by a multitude of reasons, such as profit, protest, information gathering, challenge, recreation, or to evaluate system weaknesses to assist in formulating defenses against potential hackers.

A security hacker at work

The various types of security hackers

Security hackers can be classified into various categories based on their intent, methods, and objectives. Here are the main types of security hackers:

Hacker Type Description Objective Examples

Black Hat Hackers

Engage in illegal activities, exploiting vulnerabilities for personal gain or malicious purposes. Financial gain, data theft, disruption. Cybercriminals, fraudsters.

Corporate Spies

Hired by companies to infiltrate competitors and steal trade secrets, intellectual property, or sensitive information. To gain a competitive edge through espionage. Insider threats, hired corporate espionage agents.

Cyber Terrorists

Use hacking techniques to conduct acts of terrorism, aiming to create fear, cause disruption, or damage critical infrastructure. To advance terrorist goals, cause widespread fear and disruption. Groups targeting critical infrastructure like power grids or financial systems.

Gray Hat Hackers

Operate between ethical and malicious hacking, may exploit vulnerabilities without permission but usually without malicious intent. To expose security flaws, sometimes for recognition or to force improvements. Independent security researchers.


Use hacking skills for political or social activism, conducting attacks to promote ideological beliefs or protest injustices. To promote political, social, or ideological agendas. Anonymous, LulzSec.

Insider Threats

Employees or associates within an organization who use their access to conduct malicious activities. Financial gain, revenge, or espionage. Disgruntled employees, contractors with malicious intent.

Script Kiddies

Inexperienced hackers who use pre-written hacking tools and scripts to conduct attacks. To cause disruption, gain attention. Amateur hackers using readily available tools.

State-Sponsored Hackers

Operate on behalf of government agencies to conduct espionage, sabotage, or cyber warfare against other nations or entities. To gather intelligence, disrupt enemy operations, or sabotage infrastructure. APT (Advanced Persistent Threat) groups like APT28 (Fancy Bear).

White Hat Hackers

Also known as ethical hackers, they use their skills to improve security by identifying and fixing vulnerabilities. They often work with organizations to enhance cybersecurity measures. To protect systems and data from malicious attacks. Penetration testers, security consultants.

Security hackers advanced skills

Security Hackers often demonstrate a high degree of expertise in various programming languages, including Python, JavaScript, C++, and assembly languages. Such knowledge is not merely academic; it is practical and applied, enabling hackers to dissect and exploit the intricate workings of their target systems and software. Their ability to navigate complex network protocols, such as TCP/IP, HTTP, and others, is complemented by advanced techniques in sniffing, spoofing, and session hijacking. Cryptographic skills further bolster their arsenal, allowing them to identify and leverage weaknesses in cryptographic systems.

Additionally, the capability to reverse engineer binaries grants hackers insight into the underlying architecture and logic of software, revealing potential vulnerabilities. This skill is particularly potent when combined with an in-depth understanding of various software vulnerabilities, such as buffer overflows, SQL injection, and cross-site scripting, which can be exploited to infiltrate systems. Their expertise extends beyond digital realms, encompassing operating systems like Windows and Linux, and even into the physical world, where they may bypass physical security measures for direct system access.

Tools most used by security hackers

Security hackers, both ethical and malicious, rely on a variety of tools to identify, exploit, and manage vulnerabilities in systems and networks. Here are some of the most commonly used tools in 2023:

Tool Purpose Use Case
AdFind Active Directory information gathering Collecting details about AD environments for analysis and security assessments
Advanced IP Scanner Network scanning Locating IP addresses and network resources
AnyDesk Remote desktop application Secure remote connections and support
BITSAdmin BITS transfer management Managing Background Intelligent Transfer Service tasks
Bloodhound Active Directory analysis Finding potential exploitation paths in AD environments
Chocolatey Package management Managing software installations on Windows
Cobalt Strike Threat emulation Conducting red team operations and adversary simulations
GMER Rootkit detection Identifying and removing rootkits
FileZilla FTP client Secure file transfers Remote management Monitoring and managing distributed teams
Impacket Network protocol manipulation Working with network protocols in Python
IOBit System optimization Improving system performance and security
LaZagne Password retrieval Extracting stored passwords from applications Project management Collaborating and managing projects online
MEGA Ltd MegaSync Cloud synchronization Syncing files with cloud storage
Microsoft Nltest Network testing Testing and troubleshooting network issues
Mimikatz Credential extraction Extracting plaintext passwords and other security secrets from Windows
Nekto / PriviCMD Web vulnerability scanning Scanning web applications for vulnerabilities
Ngrok Local server tunneling Exposing local servers to the internet securely
PCHunter64 System monitoring Monitoring and analyzing system activities
PuTTY Link (Plink) Command-line interface to PuTTY Automating SSH sessions
PowerTool Rootkit removal Detecting and removing rootkits
PowerShell Automation and scripting Automating administrative tasks on Windows
ProcDump Process dump creation Generating crash dumps for debugging
Process Hacker Process monitoring Monitoring and managing processes and services
PsExec Remote command execution Executing commands on remote systems
Pulseway Remote monitoring and management Managing IT infrastructure remotely
Rclone Cloud storage management Managing files on cloud storage services
Screenconnect Remote support Providing remote assistance and support
Sharphound Active Directory reconnaissance Gathering data from Active Directory for Bloodhound
SoftPerfect Network management Managing and monitoring network performance
Splashtop Remote desktop access Accessing desktops and applications remotely
Stowaway Proxy tool Creating and managing proxy chains
Tactical.RMM Remote monitoring and management Managing IT infrastructure remotely
Tailscale VPN solution Creating secure private networks
Teamviewer Remote control and support Providing remote access and support
WinPEAS Privilege escalation auditing Finding possible local privilege escalation paths on Windows
WinRAR File compression Compressing and decompressing files
WinSCP SFTP and FTP client Secure file transfers between local and remote systems

These tools are essential for security professionals to identify and fix vulnerabilities, ensuring robust defenses against cyber threats. Ethical hackers use these tools to simulate attacks and improve security measures, while malicious hackers may use them to exploit weaknesses for unauthorized access.

How does a security hacker operate?

Understanding how a hacker operates involves analyzing the sequence of steps they typically follow to successfully compromise a system or network. This process is often conceptualized through the framework of the "Cyber Kill Chain", a model that describes the stages of a cyber attack. The Kill Chain framework assists SOC teams in understanding and defending against complex cyber attacks by categorizing and dissecting each phase of the attack.

Initially, hackers engage in reconnaissance, gathering crucial information about their target, such as system vulnerabilities and valuable assets. Following this, they weaponize this information by creating a tailored payload, like a virus or a worm, specifically designed to exploit identified weaknesses. The delivery of this payload is the next critical step, often executed through deceptive means like phishing emails or direct network intrusion, to ensure that the payload reaches and is executed by the target.

Once the payload is executed, it exploits the vulnerability, allowing the hacker to gain unauthorized access or control. To maintain this access, the hacker installs additional malicious software, establishing a persistent presence within the target’s system. This leads to the establishment of a command and control center, enabling the hacker to remotely direct the compromised system.

The final stage involves the hacker taking specific actions aligned with their ultimate objectives, which could range from data exfiltration and service disruption to destruction of data or espionage.

> Check out our Real-Life Attack Scenarios Here

> If you want to know more about how a security hacker in a ransomware group operates, check out our threat actors profiles here.

Hackers vs AI: how hackers use AI for cyber attacks

Automated attacks

Hackers leverage AI algorithms to automate cyber attacks, significantly increasing their speed and sophistication. These automated attacks can continuously scan for vulnerabilities, exploit them, and adapt to countermeasures in real-time, making them far more effective than manual efforts. This automation allows hackers to execute large-scale attacks with minimal effort, targeting multiple systems simultaneously.

Phishing and social engineering

AI-powered tools enable hackers to create highly convincing and personalized phishing emails and messages. By analyzing data from social media, emails, and other sources, AI can craft messages that appear genuine and tailored to the recipient. These sophisticated phishing attempts trick individuals into revealing sensitive information, such as login credentials or financial details, by exploiting their trust and familiarity.

Deepfake technology

Deepfake technology, which uses AI to generate realistic videos and audios, presents a new threat vector. Hackers can create deepfake content to impersonate individuals, such as company executives or public figures, for identity theft or manipulation purposes. These AI-generated forgeries can be used to deceive employees, customers, or the public, leading to significant security breaches and misinformation campaigns.

Malware development

AI is increasingly used in the development of intelligent malware. Such malware can mimic trusted system components and employ advanced evasion techniques to avoid detection by traditional security measures. By using AI, malware can adapt to the environment it infiltrates, learning from its interactions to improve its stealth and effectiveness, making it harder to detect and remove.

Password cracking

AI algorithms can enhance password cracking efforts by analyzing large datasets from previous breaches. These algorithms identify common password patterns and predict potential passwords with high accuracy. By using machine learning, hackers can quickly generate likely password combinations and break into accounts, especially those protected by weak or reused passwords.

Data analysis

Hackers employ AI to gather and analyze vast amounts of data, enabling more targeted and effective cyber attacks. AI can sift through big data to identify valuable information, such as personal details, business secrets, or system vulnerabilities. This analysis allows hackers to craft more precise and damaging attacks, increasing their chances of success while reducing the likelihood of detection.

How Vectra AI can help find hackers

Vectra AI offers cutting-edge solutions and expert guidance to help your organization stay one step ahead of security hackers, whatever tools and techniques they use to breach into your network. Contact us to learn how we can enhance your cybersecurity posture through advanced detection technologies and strategic defense planning.


What is a security hacker?

What motivates malicious hackers?

What are common techniques used by hackers?

What role does cybersecurity awareness play in preventing hacking?

How do legal frameworks impact hacking activities?

What distinguishes ethical hackers from malicious hackers?

How do organizations use ethical hacking?

How can organizations defend against malicious hacking?

Can hackers be stopped completely?

What future trends are emerging in the realm of hacking and cybersecurity?